Tiere aus dem Tierschutz - neues zu Hause für Vierbeiner in Not

Animals from animal welfare - new home for four -legged friends in need

Accepting a dog or a cat in the family is a big step that should be considered and decided. There are many ways to adopt an animal, for example a puppy from an experienced breeder or from animal welfare. We'll tell you what to look for if you adopt a four -legged friend from animal welfare.

Animal shelter and animals from abroad - second chance of a happy life

Animal welfare is a wide -ranging topic, which is of great importance with us. People stand up for animals in predicament, for example through animal shelters or various organizations. In the animal shelter you can meet many dogs and cats that their owners handed over for various reasons. Animals from abroad, on the other hand, are released from situations from animal welfare organizations that often revolve around life and death. Especially in countries such as Spain, Romania and Portugal, killing stations that do not know a way out for an animal. Road dogs are captured and killed after a given time.

In addition, animals that do not perform enough are given there by their own owners. For example, think of the Galgos in Spain, which are used as hunting and rushing dogs and often have to provide services to record betting operations. Animal welfare organizations try to get individual animal souls out of these situations and convey in Germany.

Animal shelter adoption: a new home for a life in happiness

Many dogs and cats live in animal shelters. In Germany, the shelter is the first point of contact if you want to adopt an animal. Some people emit their animal there because they were overwhelmed with him. Other dogs and cats were confiscated because they were neglected and not kept in a way that. Or the owners have died or had to give up their animal due to a move.

If you opt for an animal shelter adoption, experienced employees are at your side in the shelter that will advise you. In addition, they look together with them which dog fits their needs and everyday life.

If you have chosen your future dog, the animal shelters rely on going to visit your desired dog in advance a few times, go for a walk with him to get a bigger picture of him.

Several visiting times are also required for cats to build a little trust. So the animal shelters ensure that they really fit together.

The biggest goal of an animal shelter is not to convey an animal as quickly as possible, but to find the right “for-home-to-home” for the dog or cat.

Retting and adopting: Record and love foreign dogs and abroad and learn to love

To record a new family member and at the same time do something really good can be combined, especially when adopting foreign animals. Countless animals are waiting for departure to a new life abroad. After animal welfare organizations have saved animals from killing stations, they initially take them up to the animal shelter similar. However, the conditions there are usually worse than in our animal shelters in Germany. However, at least medical care and nutrition are given. 

In order to enable an exit, the animals are vaccinated, freed from vermin and examined for diseases. A test for Mediterranean diseases is also carried out in the countries. 

Mediterranean diseases are: 

  • Babesiosis, 
  • Ehrlichiosis, 
  • Leishmaniosis and 
  • the levy disease dirofilariosis, 

These diseases are through Transfer parasites and pathogens and found in the blood test. A positive test result for the dog has lifelong impairments of the quality of life. For this reason, the test is very important before departure. 

However, you should also repeat the test at the vet for a few weeks after your animal has moved in.

The mediations of the animals run mostly via Internet platforms in which the animals are presented. When you discover your darling, you contact the organization as an interested person and in the best case you will receive the promise. As the next step, the day of the departure is named and organized by the organization either by van or plane. Several transfer points in Germany are agreed during the departure in the van. These are located for animal rights activists on their own land.

  • It is important that a handover should under no circumstances be carried out on motorway service sites! 

Otherwise there is danger to life for the animal. It is in the car for several days and don't know what happens to him. Despite security measures, it always happens that the animal tears off when handed over. It has no relation to people and will not be captured again if the handover takes place on a non -secured area.

So if you are offered a handover at a rest area, check whether you are really dealing with a reputable organization. Unfortunately, the suffering of the animals is also profit, so that there are black sheep in the organizations itself.

Training with the foreign animal

On arrival, the animal needs a lot of time and calm. In contrast to animal shelter dogs and cats, who mostly know a life with people from the past, foreign animals are very skeptical about bipeds. Often they have no positive experiences with people or do not yet know how to deal with people. 

Most withdraw at first, don't dare to stand out. In any case, you should have a dog trainer or cat psychologist at your side right from the start, unless you have experience in dealing with. 

The important goal for you is to create trust in the first time by working with a positive reinforcement. Give your four -legged friend delicious snacks, because love goes through the stomach even with four -legged friends. 

So you can “let a treat” at the beginning at the beginning and your new four -legged friend will quickly find your attention as positive. During this training, it can happen that you give some treats throughout the day. It is therefore particularly important to select a healthy snack with which you also cover the nutrient supply. Do not select sugar -containing treats and make sure that there are no additives.

Ultimately, however, every animal takes different amounts to settle in. That fully depends on the animal's past. For the most part, you don't know much about the animal's experiences. But you are patient and give your animal enough moments of heart to make it easier to settle.

Another relief for the familiarization can be anti-stress treats from ITICO.

Training with dog and cat from the shelter

Adopting a dog from the shelter is also a matter close to the heart and requires good preparation. If you have not yet gained any experience with a dog, bring a trainer into the house right from the start, which makes it easier for you and your fur nose. Often the animal shelters also work with dog trainers and recommend the right contact in their area.

It is not uncommon for dogs from the shelter to be afraid of separation at the beginning and show difficulties to stay alone at home. Train this very sensitively and do not leave your dog alone for hours. After all, her dog has had bad experiences and thereby developed a loss of loss.

Cats from the shelter usually have no nice past. It is correspondingly difficult for them to build trust. Unfortunately, some cats also developed behavioral disorders in the shelter and in the previous period. You should be aware of this and also include a cat psychologist from the beginning in training.

In any case, the adoption of an animal from animal welfare should be aware that the animal has a past, a story and often carries trauma. In order to make it familiarized and give the animal the opportunity to show its true character, which is hidden behind fear and uncertainty at the beginning, a professional should be consulted.

The health of your animal from animal welfare

The decision for an animal also brings responsibility for the health of the animal. After it has usually received the first vaccination abroad from the animal welfare organization, it is still essential to refresh from your own veterinarian after some time

to have it carried out. Animals from the shelter usually have been well cared for. 

In principle, present your new family member in the veterinary practice after a few days of arrival. 

The animal receives a check-up, so you can also get precise information about your animal's state of health. 

The following is advisable to have the vet checked:

  • Blood count
  • Scanning of the musculoskeletal system
  • Listening the organs
  • Teeth and mouth
  • Eyes
  • Measure the fever (temperature can be increased when stressed)
  • Check of the vaccination card
  • For foreign animals: Mediterranean test

If weaknesses are determined in health, this is no reason to despair. Many diseases can be positively influenced by micronutrients and nutritional supplements, so that the animal is supported and strengthened in its vitality.

Is your animal, according to the vet healthy? This is very gratifying and yet it is all the more important to ensure optimal supply of nutrients in order to operate. 

Correct feeding: How to eat your animal properly

A species -appropriate diet of the dog and the cat is essential for the health of the animal. For dogs and cats there is the possibility to offer dry food, wet food or fresh feeding.

Often the animals are fed both in the animal shelter and abroad, but are not fed in a healthy way. Old white bread and milk are often fed in killing stations. It is obvious that this is harmful to dogs in the long run.

The organizations and animal shelters are dependent on feed donations and cannot buy high -quality food for the variety of animals. The main thing is the motto understandably here. Even if the animal rights activists are concerned with the health of the animal, they also cannot guarantee a balanced feeding of the dogs and cats.

As a future dog or cat owner, you should therefore know and from now on eating your darling particularly balanced. In this way, you can compensate for sustainably preceding wrong feeding as well as possible. 

A healthy feeding mainly includes a vitamin -rich feeding with important minerals and herbs. 

This means that you can counteract the following diseases:

  • Bone and joint diseases
  • Restrictions in mobility 
  • strong hair of the animal
  • strange smell of the skin
  • Allergies
  • Digestion diseases
  • Parasite infestation

No matter what type of feeding you choose, in any case the health -promoting snacks and the food supplements from ITICO will support your four -legged friend in his health and well -being.


Adopting a dog that already has a history is an honorable task that can be devoted to love and dedication. Whether dog from abroad, cat from the shelter: take your animal the time to arrive in peace. Get professional help at your side to act properly from the first moment. You also support your four -legged friend in his diet and health to enable a long and carefree life for your new friend.

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